For Sale

Currently listed homes in Santa Rosa under $685,0000

According to the real estate professionals at Redfin, in October 2023, Santa Rosa home prices were up 1.1% over last year, selling for a median price of $685,000.

Santa Rosa is a popular city for homebuyers for a number of reasons, according to

Here are the top three reasons:

Location: Santa Rosa is an inland flatland on the Santa Rosa Plain, which makes it a short distance away from both the ocean and the mountains. This means that residents can enjoy a hike in the morning and then head to the beach.

The Russian River: The Russian River is a short drive from Santa Rosa and is a popular destination for outdoor activities like paddling, swimming, and hiking.

Weather: Santa Rosa has a moderate climate. Temperatures generally range around 80 degrees in the summer, and lows sometimes around 34 degrees in the winter.

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